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Pension Awareness
Now is the perfect time to take stock of your retirement plans. Many of us dream of a carefree retirement, free from financial worries and filled with the freedom to pursue our passions. However, a surprising number of retirees in the UK have expressed regret about their retirement decisions. In fact, a recent survey1 revealed that 40% of the retired population in the UK wish they had done things differently in preparation for retirement.

6 essential steps to take if you’re retiring in 2023
If you’re retiring in 2023, here are some essential steps to take that could help you plan effectively and get the most out of the next stage of your life.

After the risk of pensions collapsing made headlines, here’s how your retirement savings are protected
You may have read headlines about some pensions almost collapsing. It’s natural to worry, but there are schemes in place to protect your retirement savings. Find out more here.

Annuity rates soar 52% in 2022 and could provide security amid uncertainty
Rising annuity rates could help your retirement savings go further and provide security amid uncertainty. However, there are still drawbacks to consider when deciding if it’s the right option for you.

Do you have a gap in your National Insurance record? Checking now could boost your State Pension
If you have gaps in your National Insurance record, you may only have until April 2023 to fill them with voluntary contributions. It could increase the income you will receive through the State Pension. Find out what you need to know here.

4 vital things you should discuss when naming a Lasting Power of Attorney
Naming a Lasting Power of Attorney is important, and it’s something you should discuss to ensure the person understands the responsibility and your wishes. Read more to find out four key areas you should cover.

Experts forecast a recession in 2023. Here’s why and what it means for your investments
The UK is expected to face a recession in 2023. The situation could affect your investment portfolio, but, in most cases, sticking to your long-term plan makes financial sense. Find out why here.
Experts forecast a recession in 2023

7 compelling reasons you should seek financial advice at retirement
Research suggests that fewer than 3 in 10 retirees seek professional financial advice. Working with a professional can give you confidence and help you create a long-term financial plan. Find more reasons to seek financial advice here.

3 outdated pension “rules” modern retirees may need to reassess
Retirement rules can be useful, but some of them are outdated and could lead to decisions that aren’t right for you. Find out why here.

Why saving your pension could reduce a potential Inheritance Tax bill
If you’re creating a retirement income, it’s probably your pension you think of. However, if your estate is liable for Inheritance Tax, it could make financial sense to deplete other assets, such as savings and investments, first.

Market volatility can be attention-grabbing, but you should focus on these 3 areas instead
Market volatility has been affecting investment portfolios. While it can be tempting to focus on the ups and downs of your investment’s performance, it’s more important to look at the bigger picture.

£1.3 billion was stolen through fraud and scams in 2021. Here’s what you need to know to protect your assets
Despite efforts to prevent fraud, £1.3 billion was stolen in 2021. It’s more important than ever that you’re aware of the red flags. Find out what you can do to reduce the chance of falling victim to a scam here.

Why taking too little investment risk could harm your goals
People often have concerns about taking too much investment risk. However, in some cases, being too cautious can also be damaging. Find out what you need to consider when building your investment portfolio here.

Two-thirds of retirees are planning a flexible retirement, but many don’t understand the potential tax implications
More people are planning a flexible retirement where they continue to work in some form. It can help your income go further and create a work-life balance that suits you, but it does have some tax implications

52% of savers don’t understand the effects of inflation, and millions think they’ll be better off. Here’s why it can harm your savings
Interest rates are starting to rise, but that doesn’t mean that inflation will have a positive effect on your savings. In real terms, they are likely falling in value.
Understanding the effects of inflation

The social care cap and what it means for you
The social care cap will be introduced in October 2023. While it can limit how much you spend on care if it’s needed, it excludes some large expenses associated with residential care.

Trustees, here is what you need to know about the Trust Registration Service deadline
Many UK trusts and some non-UK trusts need to be registered with the Trust Registration Service by 1 September 2022. If you’re a trustee, it’s important to understand if it’s a step you need to take.

Investors have lost £25 million to screen sharing scams, and almost half would fail to spot one
Millions of pounds have been lost to screen sharing scams and a survey suggests that many people would fail to spot the red flags if they were targeted. Find out more here.

National Trust locations offering fantastic activities during the summer holidays
National Trust properties are a great place to visit for a family day out this summer. There are plenty of opportunities for children to explore the great outdoors and learn more about nature.

How the British garden has changed over the centuries and shaped modern outdoor spaces
Find out more about British garden trends over the centuries and where you can still see the outdoor spaces created by Romans, Georgians, and more.

Inheritance Tax receipts rise again. What can you do to minimise the bill?
The amount of Inheritance Tax paid has increased and a freeze on allowances means it will affect more families in the future. Read about the steps you can take to reduce a potential Inheritance Tax bill.
Inheritance Tax receipts rise again

Why retirees need to consider the effect of inflation on their long-term income
If you’re retired, understanding how inflation will affect your income now and in the future is important. Find out what steps you can take to improve your long-term financial security here.
Why retirees need to consider the effect of inflation

10 unusual hotels to spend the night in the UK
A staycation doesn’t have to mean staying in a traditional bed and breakfast. Here are some unusual places to spend the night, from a cave house to a property with a priory right on your doorstep.

Could someone steal your home? Thousands of people have been affected by a property scam
The Land Registry has paid out £3.5 million in compensation fraud. But how does someone steal your home? Find out here.
Could someone steal your home?

Investment market update: February 2022
Tensions in Europe and the invasion of Ukraine affected stock markets around the world. Here’s your investment market update with all the latest news.
Investment market update: February 2022

5 retirement challenges you could face and what to do about them
A new survey has highlighted some of the biggest challenges that those planning their retirement could face. Understanding these obstacles now can help you take steps to create a secure retirement.
5 retirement challenges you could face

£130 million “lost” in retirement income because retirees aren’t shopping around
If you’re thinking about purchasing an annuity in retirement, shopping around could secure you a better income for the rest of your life.
£130 million “lost” in retirement income because retirees aren’t shopping around

Is rising inflation a wake-up call to review your savings?
As inflation rises above 4%, savers should review the effect this is having on their cash savings and spending power over the long term.
Is rising inflation a wake-up call to review your savings?

40% of people worry about Inheritance Tax, but only 7% seek advice
While many people are worried about the impact Inheritance Tax could have on their legacy, few are taking steps to reduce a potential tax bill. Being proactive could help you leave more to your loved ones.
40% of people worry about Inheritance Tax, but only 7% seek advice

The benefits of exercising in retirement
There are plenty of reasons for remaining active in retirement. It could help you maintain your independence and meet new people.
The benefits of exercising in retirement

5 hidden gems for UK staycations this winter
You don’t have to go abroad to get away this winter – the UK has some stunning destinations to explore.
5 hidden gems for UK staycations this winter

Has Covid-19 affected your pension? Here’s how to weigh up the impact and rebuild it
A report suggest the over-50s were the most affected by the pandemic uncertainty. If you’ve cut back pension contributions or even dipped into your pension, it’s time to review the long-term impact.
Has Covid-19 affected your pension? Here’s how to weigh up the impact and rebuild it

When can you access your pension? It might be further away than you think
The age you can access defined contribution pensions is rising from 2028, which could affect your retirement plans.
When can you access your pension? It might be further away than you think

The pros and cons of social media financial advice
Financial advice videos have racked up billions of views worldwide on social media, but is there merit to the advice they give? Read about the pros and cons here.
The pros and cons of social media financial advice

Scams rarely result in fraud convictions; most victims lose their money
Most cases of financial fraud do not lead to a conviction. For victims, it often means they aren’t compensated. It’s important to be aware of the risks.
Scams rarely result in fraud convictions; most victims lose their money

5 beautiful places to consider if you’re thinking about buying a holiday home in the UK
As staycations are on the rise, you may be thinking about investing in a holiday home. Luckily, the UK is filled with beautiful places to consider, including these five.
5 beautiful places to consider if you’re thinking about buying a holiday home in the UK

Equity release: As house prices soar, here’s what you need to consider first
£1.17 billion of property wealth has been unlocked through equity release. However, it’s important to weigh up the pros and cons, as well as looking at the alternatives, before proceeding.
Equity release: As house prices soar, here’s what you need to consider first

Retiring in 2021? Planning is key as two-thirds risk depleting their pension savings
Research suggests that two-thirds of retirees risk running out of money. As well as understanding what income your pension will provide, there are risks to be aware of too.
Retiring in 2021? Planning is key as two-thirds risk depleting their pension savings

Inheritances left behind are growing – could you be affected by Inheritance Tax?
As a portion of lifetime income, inheritances are growing. As a result, they will play an increasingly important role in financial security. If you’ll be leaving an inheritance to loved ones, you may need to consider Inheritance Tax.
Inheritances left behind are growing – could you be affected by Inheritance Tax?

Scam awareness month: What you need to know to spot a pension scam
This month marks Scam Awareness Month, with millions being lost to pension fraud. Find out how to protect your savings and retirement from fraudsters.
Scam awareness month: What you need to know to spot a pension scam

What you need to know if you’re a Lasting Power of Attorney
If you’ve been named as a Lasting Power of Attorney, it can be daunting. Find out what you need to know and what your responsibilities may cover here.
What you need to know if you’re a Lasting Power of Attorney

10 of the best UK beaches to relax on this summer
You don’t have to go abroad to find beautiful scenery. If you want to relax on a beach, heading to Spain or further afield is likely to come to mind first, but the UK is home to some incredible beaches that are perfect for a summer trip.
10 of the best UK beaches to relax on this summer

Investment market update: May 2021
Signs continue to point towards economic growth as Covid-19 restrictions lift. However, businesses and economies continue to face challenges, including rising inflation and shortages within supply chains.
Investment market update: May 2021