Areas of Advice
When approaching, or in, your Retirement and Later Life years, the main financial concern will most likely be whether current provisions are sufficient to support you, and your loved ones, throughout your retirement journey.
It pays to be prepared which can mean taking a good look at your pension and investment holdings, considering any potential changes that may lie ahead, as well as making sure you can pass on as much of your wealth as you can by reducing any tax liabilities.
Later Life Advice is specifically tailored to help anyone approaching retirement (and beyond), to understand how their finances will support them going forward, taking into account their own views, personal preferences and objectives as well as highlighting any key issues that could arise i.e. such as long term care or inheritance tax.
Advice maybe required in several areas over time such as
* Family Protection *
* Investment Planning *
* Pensions & Retirement Planning *
* Wealth Management *
* Care Fees Planning *
* Equity Release *
* Estate & Inheritance Tax Planning *
If you are wondering whether you have enough, how long it will last or even, how best to ensure your legacy plans are met, you can benefit from expert advice from a Retirement & Later Life Advice Specialist on how to best manage your wealth to suit your lifestyle, personal long-term goals and ambitions, by discussing, planning and implementing strategies most suited to these goals.