Autumn FP

Investment Planning

Understanding your needs and priorities, as well as your fears and preferences, is an essential first step in putting together a suitable and robust investment strategy

For Instance:

The next is to review your existing holdings (if applicable) and confirm their continued suitability or, if not, seek more appropriate alternatives.

Investing can offer you a good opportunity of growing your money over the longer term. A long-term approach to investing is generally accepted as being likely to provide the most benefit. Whether you start paying in to an Individual Savings Account, a Personal Pension, or you are saving on behalf of your children, the earlier you start the better.

Saving and Investing can be used to meet both your short and long-term financial needs. Short-term needs may include saving for a car or a holiday, whereas longer-term investment needs could be saving for school fees, providing capital for children as they grow up or for your Retirement.

A Retirement & Later Life Advice Specialist can offer objectivity and expertise when choosing to save and invest wisely; helping you find the most appropriate solution, or solutions, for your current circumstances from an informed position.

Whatever you do, your investments should be diversified across a range of asset classes, regions and tax wrappers, to ensure you maximise any opportunities, whilst managing risks in line with your tax status, preferences and requirements.

The value of investments and income from them may go down. You may not get back the original amount invested.

Tax treatment depends on the individual circumstances of each client and may be subject to change in future.

The Financial Conduct Authority do not regulate tax planning.

Claim your Complimentary Initial Consultation Here (or call on 01892 506 928) and let a Retirement & Later Life Advice Specialist help with your financial journey